25 JANUARY 1908, page 14
Maria Stella, Lady Newborough.
The Mystery of Maria Stella, Lady Newborough. By Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey, Bart. Illustrated. (E. Arnold. 7s. 6d. net.)— All the old stories are sure to be raked up again sooner......
Forage Crops For Soiling, Silage, Hay, And Pasture. By E.
B. Voorhees, D.Sc. (Macmillan and Co. 6s. Gd. net.)—The author of this practical book, who is director of the well-known New Jersey Experiment Stations, applies himself to the......
The English Cardinals.
The Story of the English Cardinals. By the Rev. Charles S. Isaacson. (Elliot Stock. 6s.)—The plan of this volume is the same as that of the author's "The Story of the Later......