25 JULY 1908, page 16

Lafcadio Hearn On Socialism.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SpECTATOR.".1 am sending you some extracts from the "Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn" which I think ought to be published abroad. He surely was au......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

Si,—May I add two short bird-stories to those which have followed Mr. A. C. Benson's account of the vain peacock in the Spectator of July 11th ? We have in our household a white......

As Vain As A Peacock.

LTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The peacock is not singular in his self-admiration. Pigeons are so notorious for the same vice that it is, I am told, illegal to put a......

Scent And Memory.

LTO THIS EDITOR OF THE “sesawros:1 SIR,—In an article in the Spectator of July 11th headed "Scent and Memory" the writer suggests the question : "Do any scents bring you unhappy......

Enforcement Of The Truck Act In Shetland.

[TO THY EDITOR OF THU " SPZOFILT01.1 SIR, — I hope it may interest some of your readers to know that once more the Truck Act is being enforced in Shetland,— in earnest, not to......

The Condition Of Hunters.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Permit me discursively to supplement your interesting remarks in the Spectator of July 11th on the new edition of "The Condition of......

[to The Editor Of The "spectat0r:1

SIR,—Surely it would be interesting if Mr. Benson, or another of your correspondents, would inform us whether peacocks have been known to find pleasure in the contemplation of......

The Quebec Celebrations.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—It may perhaps be worth while to recall at this time the admirably terse inscription on the joint monument to Wolfe and Montealm which......