25 JULY 1992, page 25

Sir: John Gummer's Article Contains Inaccu- Racies, One...

needs correction straightaway. He states that 'any reservations about the ordination of women would exclude [men] from the episcopate for ever', and he goes on to allege that......

Sir: John Gummer Fears An Anglican Split Through The...

as he alleges, of a `scheme to permit the ordination of women'. What scheme? Ordination is already permitted to women in the Church of England. The Canons of 1969 (section D)......

Letters Cosmic Exclusive

Sir: Mr John Gummer's article (The worst of church times', 18 July) has inspired a response from Archbishop Cranmer him- self, which I thought you should see: Good Gummer, It......

Brutal Frankness

Sir: I am sure that Sir Robert Rhodes James is correct in writing that he ghosted all the most interesting sections of the late Lord Kilmuir's memoirs (`Night of the long......