25 MARCH 1905, page 3

Agreement In Regard To The Loan Will Never Be Carried

out. The proposal to impose a kind of tribute on the Transvaal was one which we condemned from the very first as likely to prove a source of friction and danger. The scheme ran......

On Wednesday Evening Mr. Ainsworth Moved His Resolu- Tion...

Mr. Chamberlain's Fiscal policy as embodied in his proposal to impose a 10 per cent. duty on all imported manufactured articles. He was seconded by Mr. Richard Cavendish, who,......

Lord Selborne, In A Clear And Sensible Speech, Thanked His

two predecessors at the Admiralty for their kindly criticisms, and readily admitted that the Opposition approached Naval questions in no party spirit. Once France was the only......

Si Henry Campbell-bannerman, In The Course Of A Vigorous...

said they had seen in the attitude of the Government towards Fiscal agitation the successive stages of the closed door and the side door, and now finally had come to the stage......

Mr. Chamberlain Has Addressed A Letter To The Greenwich...

in which he states that the majority of the party- i.e., the Tariff Reformers—are not merely justified, but required by their duty, to make every effort to have their views......

Mr. Morley Was The Chief Speaker At A Meeting Of

the League of Young Liberals held at the Queen's Hall on Monday night. He illustrated the distractions and dissensions in the Cabinet by the differences at the Board of Trade,......

The Naval Debate In The House Of Lords On Tuesday

was one of the few illuminating discussions which we have had this Session. Both Houses are at their best on a Naval question, and certainly nothing could have been more......

Bank Rate, 2i Per Cent.
