In The House Of Commons En Tuesday Mr. Lloyd George,
in the absence of Mr. Asquith owing to an indisposition which we hope will be brief, announced that Mr. Runciman will be the principal British representative at the Economic......
The Action Brought By Mrs. Asquith Against The Owners Of
the Globe came before Mr. Justice Peterson on Tuesday, when the defendants agreed to pay £1,000 to Mrs. Asquith in respect of the libel, and to indemnify her against any......
Excellent As Has Been The Work Done By The National
Reserve in guarding vulnerable places on the coast as well as inland, it is not its whole work. Class I. of that Reserve were at the beginning of the war drafted into the......
We Congratulate Mrs. Asquith Most Heartily On Having...
faced so successfully, the disagreeable task of bringing the disseminators of slander to book, and we hope that people in a public position will note and follow her plucky......
Last Saturday An Army Order Was Issued Stating That The
Sovereign had deemed it expedient to authorize the formation of a corps to be entitled the Royal Defence Corps, the corps to be a corps for the purposes of the Army Act, and the......
When The War Broke Out The Policy Adopted. By The
military authorities, which we have always regarded as inconvenient, was not to let the men retain the name of National Reservists, but to give them another designation. Under......
It Will No Doubt Be Said That The Hospital Authorities
ought to have power to allow a freedom to the virtuous A and B which has to be denied to the careless and irresponsible 0 and D. In theory this is perfectly true. In practice,......
In Our Leading Columns To-day We Publish An Article On
" Heroes and Heroics " by " A Student in Arms " which incidentally deals with some of the problems connected with war hospitals. Nobody has a better right to express his views......
Men Crowded Together In A Big Institution Naturally Have To
live under artificial conditions, and these conditions are made much more exacting when to the ordinary difficulties of controlling human beings are added the extra difficulties......
On Thursday Week The House Of Commons Once More Discussed
the recruiting difficulties, and Sir John Simon played his usual part oi showing how the tribunal.s mangled the letter and the spirit of. the Military Service Act. It is very......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 P.o. Aug.
8th, 1914. .......