25 MARCH 1949, page 16

Letters To The Editor

SOVIET RESHUFFLE SIR,—I hope your contributor,' Mr. Richard Chancellor, will forgive me, but after reading his article Soviet Reshuffle in the Spectator of March 11th, I am......

Work And Promotion In The R.a.f.

SIR,—The man-power shortages of the Royal Air Force have caused a considerable amount of comment during recent weeks, and as one released from that Service some eight months ago......

Sir,—h. G. Monro-davies' Letter In The Spectator Of March...

does not take into consideration the fact that most children are in hospital for a serious illness. If they were not seriously ill they would be treated at home by their own......

Sta,—any Parent Who Is So Unhappy As To Have To

leave a child in hospital can only hope that whilst its bodily ills are being tended its mind will not suffer irreparable damage. When I collected my three- year-old daughter......

Visits To Children In Hospital

SIR, —Your correspondent's letter raises a very acute problem. Parents would no doubt be willing to waive their rights if they were certain that this was for the good of the......