Dive To Death
Sir: I was most interested to read Andrew Roberts' article (Affray in the Channel', 27 April). It was a scandal that Roy Foster-Brown was not given the recogni- tion he deserved......
Sir: I'm Finally Hooked By The Battle Of Tonkin/pilger —
a form of diplomatic soap. One week I carefully read what seems to be a very straightforward, pre- cisely worded, statement from Mr Tonkin Only to discover the next from Messrs......
Sir: Andrew Roberts Has His Facts Sadly Wrong In His
tribute to 'the man who found a submarine which disappeared 40 years ago'. Foster-Brown was most certainly not the commander of the search; Admiral Sir Arthur John Power......
Sir: The Evidence Which John Pilger And David Munro Produce
(Letters, 18 May) of alleged 'integration' between the three Cambodian resistance factions is suspect in the extreme. The 'joint operation' between Khmer Rouge and Sihanoukists......
This Little Piggy
Sir: Not since Charles Moore suggested that dogs could not go to heaven because they do not possess souls have sentiments so cruel to the animal kingdom been expressed in The......