25 NOVEMBER 1882, page 1

News Of The Week.

A N occasional correspondent of the Times, whose identity is not obscure, warns the country that China does not intend to allow the French to annex Tonquin, or to dominate......

The Eighth Resolution, However, Which Relaxes To Some...

half-past twelve o'clock rule,—in other words, the rule that all opposed business shall not be taken after half-past twelve at night, except only in the case of the nomination......

The Debate On The Half-past Twelve O'clock Rule Was An

amus- ing one, and Sir John Hay carried 26 Members with him into the lobby for the total repeal of the rule, for which very able men like Sir John Lubbock and Mr. Bryce also......

The Sixth And Seventh Resolutions For The Reform Of The

pro- cedure of the House, which simply abolish existing provisions for superfluous debates, were carried yesterday week, as follows : " (6), That, in Committee on a Bill, the......

The French Are Not Hypocrites, But When They Are, There

are no hypocrites so impudent. M. Raspail on Monday made his annual motion for the abolition of the Embassy to the Vatican, and the Premier actually rose to say that he must......

W . E Regret To Perceive That Sir Stafford Northcote, Though

he denies being seriously ill, has been more worn by recent work than was generally suspected. He suffers, says the Lancet, from debility of the heart's action. In a letter......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
