25 NOVEMBER 1905, page 14

Endure. That Gives Them . Their Only Chance In The Worst

of the winter, when, again they may be forced to hasten south. Suddenly comes the hard frost. At the first cold breath of it the worms, have burrowed deep out of the way, and......

To Our Country The Fieldfares Come In Autumn Earlier Or

later, according to the coldness of the season. They are here before the frosts have given a last pinch to the yellow leaves to let them fall drifting . upon the wind. They come......

But Our Winter Migrants Are Mostly Exiles From Scandi-...

frosts and snows. They are but aliens, desirable and welcome aliens, driven here in search of food. They have no errand but to pick up a meal, and no intention but to get back......
