25 NOVEMBER 1916, page 12


TO DONALD HANKEY. ESE breaks the last of these red dawns, Ere pass the livid nights away, Ere shines our monumental day, The day of marble and of bronze, When under noon's......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communi- cated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......

" Bury Or Burn."

Tat article under the above heading, dealing with the desecration of beautiful places by the scattering of pieces of paper and other picnic debris, which appeared in our issue......


1.11e, EMPIRE AND THE FUTURE.* Tax very interesting series of lectures delivered at the University of London, King's College, and now published with an introduction by Mr.......

" Christ In Flanders."

Owme to the large and continued demand for copies of the poem entitled " Christ in Flanders," which appeared in our issue of September 11th, 1915, it has now been reprinted in......

"a Student In Arms."

TEE leading article in the Spectator on the death of Lieutenant llankey and his article " Don't Worry " have been republished as a leaflet by Messrs. W. Speaight and Sons, 98-99......