25 OCTOBER 1879, page 19

Female Warriors.*

Tux raison d'e'tre of Mrs. Needham's book is explained by her- self in a few sentences, which we may simply extract from her - first chapter. After declaring that "Popular......

Current Literature.

An Introduction to .the Study of Painted Glass. By "A. A." (Rivingtons.)—There is a good deal about painted glass in these eighty pages, but the author clings so fondly to the......

_hygiene. By Major C. Leffler. (published By The...

days, there are professors of every sort of art, science, and mystery. Not long ago, in passing through a West-End thoroughfare, we came upon an immenSe brass door plate,......

Lloraima And British Guiana. By J. W. Beddam-whotham....

131ackett.)—We feel in a way responsible for this volume. Some two years age, it was asked in the Spectator, "Will no one explore Roraima P" Our author has done his best to......