25 OCTOBER 1946, page 13

In My Garden

The herbaceous border is improved by the addition of a few shrubs. Among the most suitable is the hybrid buddleia. In the fourth week of October its flowers, half tassels, half......

Blooming Of Flowers In October

This autumn has some oddly unseasonable features. In the middle of October, a rarely late date, those beautiful and in many districts rare butterflies, the clouded yellows, were......

Two Voices

"DON'T dive from Time: don't leave this sea-girt land One single moment. Plait the brittle bents, Build castles that will fall as sea-struck tents ; Ransack Time's treasures ;......


Upon what principle does the picture-going public base a visit to any particular exhibition? Is it a monthly or fortnightly or weekly routine, a matter of habit only, or is it a......

Late Colours

The full arrival of autumnal coloration has seldom, in my memory, been so long postponed, and it may be that its enjoyment will be briefer than usual. A frost sharp enough to......

Country Life

A NEW farming scheme, partly the result of the international urgency expressed at Hot Springs in 1943, comes into operation in Britain this month. It is hoped that this advisory......

The Spectator

Additional paper is being released, and we are now in a position to accept orders for an unlimited number of subscriptions for THE SPECTATOR. Subscription rates : Inland or......