In-chief Has Been Conferred Upon That Ennobled Soldier...
briefly exhausting the several claims, we had concluded to be the most eligible—Lord Hardinge. Acting as a statesmannot less than as a commander, the Duke of Wellington would......
The Marine Portion Of The Expeditionary Army In The Rangoon
has stolen a march upon its own commander : sent to reconnoitre, it has temporarily occupied Prome, and won a victory over a land force. It is strange that a subordinate should......
The New York Journal Of Commerce Has Startled Our...
out of their propriety, by asserting that there has been no settle- ment of the Fishery dispute, no negotiation, no encroachment, no concession—it was all a mistake : certain......
News Of The Week.
THE date for the funeral of Wellington is now fixed proximately : the funeral is not to take place until after the meeting of Parlia- ment, in order that Parliament may......
Continental Politics Are Not Of A First-rate Importance...
week. Louis Napoleon is still parading in the South, proclaimed by well-arranged officials and peasantry as "the Emperor," " Na- poleon the Third"; at Cherbourg he is proclaimed......