26 APRIL 1873, page 24

Chapters Of The History Of Yorkshire. By J. J. Cartwright.

(Wake- field: Allen.)—Mr. Cartwright has worked up some of the abundant materials which are to be found in the Public Record Office into a very readable volume, which will be of......

Mrs. Oliphant's "may."

MRS. OLIPIIANT has stepped back on her old ground again, and treads it with as sure a foot as ever. None of the imperfections of her two last novels are to be traced in May,......

The Edinburgh Review, April. (london, Long-man;...

is an average example of that quar- terly, but the current number contains but one article possessing unusual attractions. Information on subjects popular and recondite abounds,......

Down In Dingyshire. A Sketch Of Life In The Black

Country_ (Seeloys.)—The writer has seen the country, or rather the people whom he describes in a way that no one but a hard-working parson can 803 them, and he tells his......

Turning-points In Lift. By The Rev. F. Arnold. 2 Vols.

(Bentley.) —Mr. Arnold tells us that he has taken the suggestion of a friend, and expanded a magazine article into a volume. It would have been more accurate to say into two......

Current Literature.

The Quarterly Review. No. 268. (Murray.)—This is a very interesting number of the Quarterly. It has a clear, able, and excellent article on Central Asia ; a very thoughtful and,......