26 APRIL 1946, page 20

Why Not Make Use Of Italy ?

The Problem of Italy : An Economic Survey. By Ivor Thomas, M.P. (Routledge. 5s.) THIS book is delightfully written, and it is full of very important facts very lucidly stated.......


A Woman of the Pharisees. By Francois Maunac. Translated by Gerard Hopkins. (Eyre & Spottiswoode : 9s.) The Gipsy's Baby and Other Stories. By Rosamund Lehmann. (Collins. 7s.......

\\ Shorter Notices Individualism: True And False. By F. A.

Hayek. (Blackwell. 2s. 6d.) PROFESSOR HAYEK insists on his thesis that we face a choice between responsible liberty and regimented slavery with the per suasiveness of conviction......