The Fry Affair
Sir: What has happened to the English lan- guage? Mr Randolph Churchill writes ( 12 April): . . the SPECTATOR and myself got the action struck out' and . . so far the SPECTA-......
Investing In People
Sir: Mr Jones's article 'Investing in people' (12 April) could give rise to a mistaken im- pression of the relative efficiency of the com- panies whose performance is compared.......
Waiting For Adolf
Sir: Mr Lampe's standards of accuracy can be gauged py the reference in his letter (19 April) to an occasion on which 'Montgomery's divisional headquarters in Kent were booby-......
Das System
Sir: Nigel Lawson, in his note to my letter (19 April), says the advantage of introducing the British system of election into Germany _ would be that one of the big parties......
A Written Constitution ?
Sir : The power of the British Parliament is theoretically untrammelled, and the powers of government through use of the parliamentary instrument extensive and apt to be......
Lost Iconoclast
Sir: I have seen your notice of A Selection from Scrutiny in your issue of 12 April. One of Scrutiny's characteristics is a passionate and conscientious seriousness. A......
Sinister Stance
Sir: In his interesting review of Editor in your issue of 5 April, Mr Goronwy Rees raised ques- tions of historical importance which I should like him to answer if he will. Was......