A Gift To The National Trust.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—We 'shall be glad if you will allow us to announce through your columns a most important acquisition on the part . of the National......
"the Common Law Of England Is Part Of The Law
OF THE UNITED STATES." [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your issue of July 29th you ask for the author of the words "The common law of England is part of the law of......
[to Thm Emma Op The "spectator.'1 Sir,—you Prefer Short...
or I should like to begin by expatiating at length on the Spectator's broad-minded fairness to all sides, and particularly on its attitude to America, where I spend half my time......
The Size Of Motor-coaches And The Dangers Of The Road.
[To MB EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—The accounts in the daily Press of the horrible motor- coach accident at Brookland on Saturday night raise once more the vexed question......
The Breakdown Of The Reparations Conference.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPEGTATOR."] Ssa,—In your article on the breakdown of the Conference you say that the policy favoured by you "is based on the sound principle that we......