26 AUGUST 1949, page 20
Muttering Muse ?
Selected Poems. By Alice Duer Miller. (Methuen. 5s.) 7s. 6d.) The Labyrinth. By Edwin Muir. (Faber. 8s. 6d.) Fifty Years of Modern Verse. (Richards Press. 6s.) The Poet's World.......
Eastern Europe
Behind Europe's Curtain. By John Gunther. (Hamish Hamilton. 15s.) ALL the specialists will grumble over the inaccuracies of detail in this book, the foolhardy generalisations......
Mrs. Adams
Abigail Adams. By Janet Whitney. (Harrap. 15s.) THE taste for the vie romantie is not what it was, and Mrs. Whitney's book starts out under the great handicap that she has......