Two Candidates Proposed For The Pillory ; On The Whole
I accept them both. First "the intellectual climate" and similar expressions —an unwarranted and (I am bound to agree) much-to-be-deprecated use of the word "climate." Second,......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE division of opinion in the House of Commons on the Civil List grant to Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh was curious. The Select Committee which considered the......
Europe's Christmas
T HERE is cynicism, irony, almost tragedy, in such a heading. Christmas is before all things the festival of peace. "Unto us a child is born." "God was in Christ, reconciling......
Testimonials To This Country From Abroad Are Not...
one I came across the other day seems to have more than ordinary merit. A Pole who had fled for political reasons to Austria and lived in a D.P. camp there was sent to farm work......
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Sir Alexander Maxwell (not the Home Office one), who is chairman of the British Tourist and Holidays Board, seems to me to make a strong point when he argues that the abolition......
I Always Welcome The Opportunity Of Acclaiming...
journalism, and certainly the message in Friday's Daily Telegraph on the evacuation of Ramak, on the north-west frontier, deserves that description. Pakistan, within whose area......
In Writing On Mr. Dalton's Resignation Just After It...
I suggested that a partial explanat:on of the Chancellor's apparent folly in disclosing his Budget proposals to a journalist half an hour or so before he began his Budget speech......