26 JANUARY 1918, page 14

Says :— • "did You Ever Keep A Squirrel? This

perfect lady of mine indulges me with much forward chatter. To me it is a sort of lover's talk—sweet nothings and gnrglings in my ear, close; but you should watch her goings-on......

History Repeating Itself.

[To THE EDITON OF TEE " SPECTATOlt: . ] SIR,—It is interesting to find a writer, in the early stage of the Peninsular War, explaining that our difficulties in Spain, as well as......

An Ideal For The National Church. [to The Editor Ot

TILE " SriscrAroa.") Ste,—At the present time, when so many united religious services have been held in connexion with the Day of Special Prayer and Thanksgiving, the following......

Orley Farm.

[To ens Enrroa or THE " Specreroa."3 SIR,—Having discovered, after a recent re-reading of the famous Orley Farm case, indubitable proof of Lady Mason's innocence, I hasten to......