Miss Syrett's Books Always Have Charm. This Has An...
theme, which is rather refreshing. It expresses the reaction from such things as psycho-analysis, aestheticism, consciously educational homes and a certain type of modern......
Some New Magazines.
THE AMERICAN MERCURY, Vol. 1, No. 1 (annual sub. scription, 6). Mr. Mencken and Mr. Nathan, the editors of the American Mercury, have a reputation for iconoclasm, energy, rhodo-......
Co-operation In Japan.
THIS is an age when, consciously or unconsciously, most of the serious thought of social reform is turning in the direction of some form or other of co-operation among......
La Bodega (the Fruit Of The Vine). By Vicente Blasco
Ibanez. (Fisher Unwin. 7s. 6d. net.) There is in the work of Ibanez a large humanity which probably explains his popularity. For one usually finds that whether .a popular book......
It Was Mr. Ford Madox Hueffer Who Started The English
Review, and under his editorship it was amazingly good. It is Mr. Ford Madox Ford (the same Mr. Ilueffer) who, now starts a more ambitious magazine. The Transatlantic Review,......
Fundamentally This Story Is A Psychological Study Of The...
between children and parents, or rather, of the effect of parents upon children. Superficially it concerns, the emotional inter-relations of three young Americans in Boston, two......
THE HIGH PLACE. The High Place. By James Branch Cabell. (Lane. 7s. 6d.) FLORIAN PUYSANGE is a descendant of Jurgen and, like that very great bore, preoccupied with the pursuit......