Lithium Sir,—if I Have Guessed Right, The Learned...
your crossword No. 304 has helped to perpetuate a danger8us Victorian superstition. He seems to assert that lithium "helps to put the out in gout." At a large store I was told......
Friday Mornings Sir,—sir Ernest Barker, In His Generously...
appreciative review of Mr. Harold Nicolson's Friday Mornings, takes Mr. Nicolson to task for saying that: "After the last war the young men who returned to the Univer- sities......
Thousands Of Moles
Sta,—In his delightful article on moles Sir Stephen Tallents mentions as a notable achievement that a well-known Frenchman once caught 600 of the animals. This is striking, but......
Coal Troubles
SIR,—AS another optant for coal mining I should like to confirm the facts given by " Optant " in his recent letter. I am employed in the Stirlingshire area in what is also......
The "temper Of Europe" Sir,—i Am Afraid "a. B. C."
has misunderstood my use of the phrase "bad citizens," although I put it in inverted commas to emphasise that it had a special significance. As a matter of fact, the phrase is......
Country Life
WHEN the war is over there is likely, as definite enquiry proves, to be a great excess of men who want to commence farming ; to this enormous tally has to be added an army of......