26 JANUARY 1951, page 15

How To Get The Houses

SIR. Mr. Tarran, in his letter in the Spectato• of January 12th, hit the nail right on the head when he said that the building requirements of the country were not 200,000 or......

Suc—please Allo'w Me To Correct A Mis-statement In Your...

"Towards a Press Council?' You say the draft constitution for such a body prepared by representatives of the various newspaper proprietors' associations, the Institute of......

Towards A Press Council

SIR.-1 am glad to see your decided comment on the newspaper pro- prietors' idea of what would be a representative General Council of the Press. As you say, there can be no doubt......

New Old Town

Sia.—The restrained article in the Spectator ofJanuary 5th by Mr. Edward Hodgkin stops short of drawing its logical conclusion. It is high time that conclusion is drawn. The New......