The New Irish " Rebellion."
NEW TIMES—Ireland, it is clear, is on the verge of a sanguinary civil war. The minds of the lower classes have been excited to such a degree, and so excited by the Parliament of......
Vadianuntary Diarp.
HOUSE OF LORDS. MoNnAr.—Bills read a third time and passed—Turnpike Roads, Military and Naval Pensions Repeal, Saving Banks Amendment, and Custom Duties : Lord Goderich and Duke......
Saint Swithin.
THE PRESS. CORBETT'S Reorsran.—The Duke of Wellington will find this famous old Saint a much more formidable enemy than he ever had to contend with in Massena, or even in......
The Sink1ng-fund—the Duke Of Wellington And Lord Bexley.
COURIER—From certain peculiarities in the construction of the Finance Committee, it was generally supposed that they would recommend the aboli- tion of the sinking-fund. Those,......