The First Result Of The Recent Negotiations For Forming A
Federal Union among the Republics of Central America has been an outbreak of hostilities between the forces of Guate- mala and San Salvador. As yet, the details of news are......
It Is Curious To Observe That Education Appears To Be
what one may call the residuary legatee of all the unattached resources of the State. If the Government does not know what to do with any aura of money, such as, for instance,......
On Tuesday, July 18th, The Giffard Gun, The Invention Of
M. Paul Giffard, underwent a public trial at the head-quarters of the " London Scottish," before a number of military experts. The propelling agent, liquefied carbonic acid gas,......
Lord Rosebery, In Opening The Flower-show Of St....
Winter Garden on Wednesday, said that London was so rapidly eating up all the old-fashioned gardens, and pushing away the open spaces to greater and greater arm's- lengths, that......
Mr. Goschen's Private Secretary Sent To Monday's Papers A...
able reply to a letter written by the Rev. H. J. Boyd, of Sheffield, on the subject of the Licensing Bill, in which Mr. Goschen criticises the resolutions passed at the annual......
The Draft Constitution, Which Reuter Telegraphed On...
be submitted to the Brazilian Con- gress in November, is in many respects a copy of that of the United States. The President is, however, to be elected for six instead of four......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent, New Consols (2d Were On
Friday 961 to 96f.......