Professor Lohmann Just Before The War Succeeded In...
his new type of electric furnace temperatures of over 7,000 Fahrenheit. If Professor Miethe's experiment were repeated with the furnace instead of with vapour lamps, it is......
We Regret That The Decision Of The Dean Of Westminster
is against placing a Memorial Tablet to Byron in the Abbey. It is true that Byron was a man of bad life, but so were Charles II., Mary, Queen of Scots, and many other persons......
The Newspapers Are Always The Chief Playground Of The Irony
Of Accident. A long telegram from Berlin is given the place of honour on the leader page of the Morning Post of Monday last—followed by another on Tuesday— under the heading "......
The Terrible, The Uncreating Word May Be Spoken At Any
moment. We have been told that we must make any and every sacrifice in order to get back to that thing of adamantine stability, that immutable element, gold, and be willing to......
We Wish We Had Space To Describe In Detail What
must take place if a month hence the Morning Post repeats its shock to bankers and gold standard men, and announces that gold can be produced at half-price from mercury, and......
The Consecration On Saturday Of Liverpool Cathedral Was A...
event. Though we have not seen the building ourselves, it is, to judge by photographs, by far our most important example of modern Gothic architecture. The King and Queen......
Like Every Other British Newspaper, We Should Like To...
our welcome to the members of the American Bar Association, who are the guests of the English Lawyers and Canadian Bar Associations. The American Bar Association was welcomed on......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.
July 5th ,1928. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 101 ; Thursday Bank Rate, 4 per cent., changed from 8 per cent. July 5th ,1928. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 101 ;......