26 JULY 1986, page 31
The Dark Side Of The Dragon
Colin Thubron LIFE AND DEATH IN SHANGHAI by Nien Cheng Grafton, f12.95 0 ne of the most surprising aspects of China's Cultural Revolution is that so little memorable......
Wandering Like A Maggot In Cheese
Mary Clive `IN SOCIETY': THE BRIDESHEAD YEARS by Nicholas Courtney Michael Joseph, £14.95 I t all all depends on what you mean by `society' and what you mean by 'in'. Was Evelyn......
Still Some Unachieved Goals
Raymond Carr ARGENTINA 1516-1982: FROM SPANISH COLONIZATION TO THE FALKLANDS WAR by David Rock I. B. Tauris, £24.50 A STATE OF FEAR by Andrew Graham-Yooll Eland, £9.95 hat has......