26 JUNE 1852, page 19
Any Rati...* The Attraction Of This Tale Lies In Its
execution. The leading inei. dent is not very probable or pleasant, and in its essential feature not very new ; though it is managed with skill and a resemblance to life. The......
Publications Received.
BOORS. Austria in 1848 49 : being a History of the late Political Movements in Vienna, Milan, Venice, and Prague ; with Details of the Campaigns of Lombardy and Novara ; a full......
Military Gazette.
WL11-01TICE, June 25.-34 Regt. Drag. Guards--Licut. E. H. Torten to be Capt. bypurchase, vice Whitby, who retires; Cornet J. Winterbottom (R.M.) to be Lieut by purchase, vice......