26 JUNE 1959, page 16

Professional Investment

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT OCCASIONALLY i n my post comes a letter asking what sort of investment policy the 'professionals' are now pur- suing. The bull market has now been going......

Si - 11,—in His Review Of My Book, A Peer Behind The

Curtain, Mr. Ronald Bryden appears to suggest that Pasternak was used by the Western powers as a 'cold war propaganda windfall.' However that may be, it is unfair to imply, even......

Sir,—recently I Had An Opportunity To Put This Question To

an ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer: 'Is there any point now in the travel allowance regulations?' He replie 'Absolutely none but the Treasury boys ha always considered furs and......


SIR,—Mr. F. Bowen Evans and Dr. Carl Bode, in replying to my review of The Young Rebel In American Literature, have thoroughly mis- interpreted what I wrote. I certainly did not......