26 MARCH 1853, page 8

The Times Of This Morning Contains A Copy Of A

memorial signed by sixty householders of Great Windmill Street, presented to the St. James's Vestry on Thursday, complaining of the "very great and increasing nuisance and......


SATURDAY. Up to the present moment no decisive news has arrived from Constan tinople, although it is hourly expected. This is partly accounted for by the severe storms which......


Passion-week, as we Protestants persist in calling the week before Easter,—whereas this is Holy Week, and Passion-week is the week pre- ceding,—has been occupied here and there......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, THURSDAY ArramgooN. Great excitement prevailed in the English Stock Market on Monday. The news from Paris respecting the Turkish question, and its sensible......

The Formal Ceremony Of Electing Dr. Jackson To The Bishopric

of Lin- coln was performed on Thursday, in the Chapterhouse of Lincoln Cathedral.......

Panistari Tazurniceis.

The aristocracy of French playgoers—if we may use the expression— have been much delighted by the production of a new comedy in verse, and in the strict style, from the pen of......

In The French Senate, The Duke De Caumont Laforce Has

given notice of a motion for voting a dotation of 500,000 francs to the Empress. The Milan Gazette of the 20th confirms the report of the novel display of clemency on the part......