26 MARCH 1948, page 18

Groundnut Cultivation

Sta,—Your contributor, Mr. Cleland Scott, draws attention to the need to conserve the soil by allowing for fallows or rotation of crops in the area in Tanganyika to be brought......

Unrest In The Gold Coast - Stn,—in Your Issue Of

March 19th, you suggest that there are probably other factors than the Communist bogey responsible for the unrest in the Gold Coast. This is, of course, entirely correct,......

A Palestine Compromise

Sta,—In all the arguments and controversies about Palestine no atten- tion seems to be given to the offer made by the representative of the Lebanese Republic, speaking on behalf......

News Embargoes

Sta,—The letter from the Editor of The Birmingham Mail is a good example of the peevish suspicion into which some journalists can work themselves if a P.R.O. has displeased......

The Scholarship Of Bishop Barnes

Sm,—Besides Sir Frederick Kenyon, Mr. Gee might consult Professor C. H. Dodd's Christian Beginnings : A Reply to Dr. Barnes's "The Rise of Christianity," which originally......

University M.p.s.

St,—The Government, in its misguided efforts towards absolute equality, is levelling down, not up, by insisting on the abolition of university representation. The leavening......