N.-w. Europe, 1944-5. By John North. (h.m.s.o. 10s. 6d.)...
Europe, 1944-5. By John North. (H.M.S.O. 10s. 6d.) Tms book is one of a series of short histories of the Second World War, written at the request of H.M. Government for the......
The World Of Van Gogh. . Photographed By Emmy Andriesse.
(Simpkin Marshall. 25s.) Tins book of photographs by Emmy Andriesse sets out to show the true back- ground to the last two and a half years of Van Gogh's life—not merely to......
Pio Nono: A Study In European Politics And Religion In
the Nineteenth Century. By E. E. Y. Hales. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 25s.) Pto NONO was Pope for thirty-two years, and this book is an attempt to defend his policies during this......
Second Supplement To The World's Encyclo- Paedia Of...
1954-2. Com- piled by F. F. Clough and G. J. Cuming. (S:dgwick and Jackson. 50s.) THIS last instalment of discographical research and scientific book-keeping is full of......
Western Enterprise In Far Eastern Economic Development:...
By G. C. Allen and Audrey G. Donnithorne. (Allen & Unwin. 20s.) Introduction to the Economic History of China. By E. Stuart Kirby. (Allen & Unwin. 18s.) DESPITE the prejudice......
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