Britain And Germany
SIR,—Referring to your footnote to Mr. Mark Goulden's letter (Spectator, March 12), would it not have been better to let your readers form their own opinion'? Admittedly, Mr.......
Sir,—it Is Of Course Difficult To Say Whether The Anti-
German sentiments expressed by Mr. Mark Goulden are shared by many people in this country. For the sake of 'British greatness,' and bearing in mind that this country did not......
Arthur Creech Jones
Sit,—May I appeal to your readers for letters ing with colonial or kindred subjects which the,■ , have received from my late husband, Arthur Creech Jones, ex-MP for Wakefield......
Censorship And Ghana
SIR,—At the bottom of the page, and with no big headlines, I read in the 'Times Educational Sup- plement last December that the government of Ghana had set up a committee to......
The Press And Vietnam
SIR,—While I agree with Christopher Booker that newspapers should devote more space to what is actually happening in Vietnam, he should recognise fairly what newspapers have......
The Largest Bank
SIR,—In your issue of March 5, Custos writes that the merger between the Bank of West Africa Ltd. and the Standard Bank Ltd. will produce 'the biggest bank in Africa.'......
Chambers As Witness
SIR,—Mr. Harry Cohen, who challenges my assess- ment of some of Chambers's evidence, does not seem to be well acquainted with the history of the Hiss case. 1 pointed out that......
Eliot And Pound
Stn,—The article in your issue of March 12 on 'The Revolutionaries' calls for considerable correction. Your contributor Mr. Martin Seymour-Smith affirms, for instance, that......
Sir,—christopher Booker's Opinions On The Press Are Not...
about, but his factual in- accuracies arc becoming intolerable. In your issue of March 19, he complained that 'only three national dailies appear even to have a man of their own......