Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 99 to 99i.......
Lord Bramwell On Wednesday Delivered Before The Institute...
a most appreciative lecture on the system of limited liability. He approves it entirely, though he would, if he could, compel the promoters of such Companies to be more explicit......
The Bishop Of Peterborough Never Speaks On The Temperance...
without a manliness and distinctness all his own. At Loughborough last week he referred to the Sunday-closing question, and deprecated the use of the ad captandum assump- tion......
The Extraordinary Interest Now Taken In Stately...
marked in the accounts of the German Royal wedding on Thursday. Both Prince Henry of Prussia and his cousin- bride, Princess Irene of Hesse, are descendants of our own George......
In The Official Report Upon Russian Statistics For 1885, It
is mentioned that in that year the population amounted to 109,000,000, that the birth-rate exceeded the death-rate by 900,000 a year, and that of 853,000 young men eligible that......
A Murderer Of The Peace Type Has During The Week
attracted some attention. Jackson, a plumber addicted to burglary, was on Tuesday serving his term in Strangeways - Gaol, Manchester. He had been ordered to mend a gas-pipe in a......
A Great And Enthusiastic Unionist Demonstration Was Held...
yesterday week, which was addressed by Mr. Lea, M.P., Mr. Wodehouse, M.P., and Mr. Arnold-Forster. Mr. Lea, M.P., remarked that Mr. John O'Connor, in moving a recent amendment......
At A Meeting Of The Rochester Diocesan Conference On Friday
week, the Bishop of Rochester stated that a Bill had been introduced into Parliament to create a Suffragan Bishopric, to be cut out of his diocese, which would be called the......
The Comparative Silence On The Continent Continues. The...
has been most beneficial to the Emperor ' Frederick's general health, though, as the world is carefully warned, there is no improvement in the local disease; and while he lives,......