Shorter Notices
Fleet Street Blitzkrieg Diary. By Gordon Robbins. (Bean. 5s.) A BRIEF factual diary means most to those whom it reminds of their own past experiences ; those who knew London......
Your Village And Mine. By C. H. Gardiner. (faber And
Faber. 7s. 6d.) Fart too much rural planning is based on theory and designed by people who have no working knowledge of our countryside. Sudi a charge cannot be made against the......
.fli2her Education In A Democracy
DR. AYDELOTTE'S title is not appetising, and it may well, put off many readers who would profit by seeing some of their own pro- blems in an American setting._ Formally, Dr.......
Crab Apple Jelly. By Frank O'Connor. (MacMillan. 7s. 6d.) The Long Ago and Other Stories. By Mary Lavin. (Michael Joseph. 9s. 6d.) THESE tWO volumes of short stories—both by......