26 OCTOBER 1912, page 16

[to Tee Editor Op Tee " Spectator. " ] Sir,—as Regards The

Slater case and Mr. Robert K. Risk's last letter, I would call his attention and yours to the following passages in Mr. Roughead's introduction to his account of Oscar Slater's......

The Ardlamont Case.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SrEcTAToa."] SIE,—As a contrast to what is alleged of the Slater case, may I recall an example of clear-headed justice in the Scottish Law Courts P At the......

Ancient Crete And Ionia.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Siu,—Professor Burnet of St. Andrews recently read before a meeting of the Classical Association of Scotland a paper entitled " Who was Javan......

The Slater Case.

[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPROTATOR.1 Sin,—All this talk on the part of Mr. Risk as to personal knowledge which he has of facts not known to the public and not mentioned at the......

Canada Revisited.

[To TRY EDITOR OP TEE ••srscrAios.":1 Sin, — A great change in the face of a country does not neces- sarily mean a change in the political sympathies of a people so busily......