26 SEPTEMBER 1846, page 12


SATURDAY NIGHT. The discussion in the Spanish Congress on the marriage question closed on Saturday evening. The opposition was maintained by very few mem- bers; most notably by......

The Most Brilliant And Remarkable Specimen Of A " Shooting

star " that we re- collect to have ever witnessed passed over the Metropolis last night. At fifteen minutes to ten, the atmosphere became suddenly lighted up with an intense......

By The Swordfish, Advices Have Been Received From Rio De

Janeiro to the 24th August. The Brazilian Government had introduced a measure for the sanction of the Legislature whereby the property of British sub- jects resident in Brazil......

Sir William Symonds, The Surveyor Of The Navy, Had A

very narrow escape during a recent collision between the Phoenix and Herald steamers, in the narrow channel of the Swash. Sir• William was in the bows of the Phoenix, and when......

A Cabinet Council Was Held Yesterday Afternoon At The...

residence of Lord John Russell in Downing Street. It was fully attended. A Cabinet Council was held yesterday afternoon at the official residence of Lord John Russell in Downing......

Last Night's Gazette Notifies The Following Important...

Sir Charles Edward Grey, Knight, to be Governor-in-chief of Jamaica. Lieutenant-Colonel William Reid, C.B., Governor-General of Barbados and its dependent Islands. Captain......

Lord Westmeath Has Written A Letter To The Times With

reference to " the heavy blow and great discouragement" which the Leading Journal has aimed at Irish landlords in recent wholesale strictures. He defends his class by very......

Accounts From Yonghal Mention The State Of The Town As

most alarming. The result of the previous day's sessions had dissatisfied the people; no- thing having been proposed to give them present employment. "Like men maddened with......

The King Of Denmark Has Issued A Proclamation, Which Was

read in the churches of Schleswig on the 20th instant, conveying a disclaimer of any intention in the Royal letter-patent of the 8th July to infringe the rights of the Dutchies......

A " Post-captain" Will Find That The Spectator...

request, in the number for the 25th of October 1845.......