The Bustard.
[To TER EDITOR OF THE " SP SOT AT Olt."1 SIR,—With reference to the article on " The Bustard in Germany" in the Spectator of August 8th, it may be of interest to your readers to......
An Unusual Sight.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOE.1 SIR,—As I was walking across St. James's Park between one and two o'clock in the afternoon of September 17th I saw a. large bat—it seemed to......
Egret Feathers.
[To Tile EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR:I SIR,—With reference to the statement of your correspondent from India (Spectator, July 11th) as to egrets discarding their feathers during......
New Maps For Old.
ere efts EDITOR OF TIM • SPIL0CETOR.1 SIR,—I notice in your last issue that a correspondent has difficulty with my statement that the one-inch and six-inch Ordnance Survey maps......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.1 Sir,—i Do Not Dispute
any of the statements in the letter of Messrs. Cornish Brothers in last week's Spectator, but they seem to me completely to miss the true point. Here is an illustration which......
Malibran's Portrait In The National Gallery.
[To TIM EDITOR OF Till " BrIOTAT01.1 SrR,---May I call your attention to an artiole published in the Temps, issue of August 31st, of which the following lines are an abridged......