The Southern Sudan
Sup,—Mr. Edward Atiyah in his well-written article shows that he understands something of the present dilemma of the — Southern Sudanese. . Whether they will " accept......
Sm, — Mr. Asquith Would Surely Have Said That Darcy's...
appeared twice in Pride and PPejudice. If Janus cares to turn back ten chapters from that in which Fitzwilliam Darcy signs his letter, he will find the name in the last......
Sul,—the Answer To Mr. Asquith's Question Is, I Think,...
more intricate than Janus suggests. According to Saxo Grammaticus, the Danish historian of the twelfth century (on whose Historia Danica Shakespeare bases his plot and not on......
Mr. Asquith's Questions
SIR,—Janus, in your last issue, raises afresh the problem (on which my father used to cross-examine his off-spring) why, on the death of the elder Hamlet, the young Hamlet did......
Honorary Degrees
SIR,—The discussion in your correspondence columns on Lambeth degrees provokes me to write to you on the subject of honorary degrees. It is apparent to most of us that far too......
Slr,—surely There Are Two Quite Different Questions...
(1) Remarriage of divorced persons in Church views is inadmissible, because they have broken the Church's marriage laws, and also because, if one partner is still alive, it is......
Marriage, Society And The Church
Sta,—In a letter in your issue of September 19th, Mr. Shirley asks if an innocent party who has obtained a cllvorce " is to be regarded as an outcast sinner for the rest of his......