26 SEPTEMBER 1998, page 28

Treasure In Heaven

BANKERS share a patron saint with tax- collectors — he is St Matthew, who heard the call at the receipt of custom — but in these parlous times they could do with one of their......

Endangered Monsters

I WAS never quite sure why Shell needed two London head offices, one on each side of the Thames, and Shell does not seem to know either. Its art deco extravagance on the north......

City And Suburban

The hinge turns, and the markets swing away from greed and towards fear CHRISTOPHER FILDES M arkets, so Sir Patrick Sergeant taught me, are ruled by greed and fear, and the......

To The Woods With Tony

NEVER fear, Tony's here. The Prime Min- ister wants to see a new Bretton Woods agreement for the new millennium. The old one laid the foundations of the Internation- al Monetary......

Service Suspended

OUR OWN market has done no worse than to fall back to where it was a year ago. Com- pared to where it was two years ago, it has risen by 20 per cent. After two months of violent......

Paradigms Regained

THE WEST'S markets have risen so far and for so long that they are full of profes- sionals who believe that markets always do this. (Amateurs, too, of course.) Willing to be of......