27 APRIL 1956, page 34

Lyric And Satire

Si IF the poems in Patric Dickinson's T lje o r of 7'hings (Chatto and Windus, 7s. 6d) h ., elicit wild enthusiasm, they never cau50 on through poor taste or bad Craf tS 1 t......

New Novels

JUDGING by results, certain popular American novelists might plausibly claim that they had rallied under a leader with the slogan, 'Come, let us make lust ludicrous!' Is it now......

Cinder Heap

T. E. HULME had a genuine originality, even if it was limited and also somewhat objection- able in kind. His impact on the Pound-Eliot generation, and thus on all of us, came......

A Traveller In Italy

THE 'Eagle Argent' of Donald Hall 5 (Eagle Argent; Methuen, I8s.) refers l e) arms of Abruzzo, that relatively unhaa ri part of Italy north and east of Montees s Mr. Hall is an......

Local History

LiKE Its predecessor, Medkeval Lincoln, J. W. F. Hill's Tudor and Stuart Lincoln (C.U.P., 32s. • 6d,), is an admirable example of local history written in a non-provincial way.......


THE latest addition to the 6 Great O r 6 Great Poets, by Aubrey de San ° (Hamish Hamilton, 10s. 6d.), makes claim to profound, original scholarship , does it try to compress too......

Chinese Art

VALUABLE though the Pelican histories of art certainly are, there might, perhaps, be a reconsideration of their form and pattern. The Art and Architecture of China, by Laurence......

Soviet Duplicity

WHEN The Dialek Affair, by Stewart Thomson (Allan Wingate, 15s.), came to me for re- view I thought to myself, 'Here's just another of the many books that have been written......