27 AUGUST 1887, page 18

A Canine Intriguer. [to The Roma Or The .sescr■ros."]...

you have quoted the Rev. Dr. Haughton, of Dublin Uni- versity, as a great patron and admirer of dogs, will you allow me, in justice to my absent colleague, to say that he is by......


Nor comes there on the free night-freshened air One backward cry, one wail of chill despair, But whisperings of loftier enterprise. The orange glow still streaks the Western......


MR. DE VERE'S "LEGENDS AND RECORDS OF THE CHURCH AND THE EMPIRE." To read this volume is a singular rest amidst the trouble and fever of our sensational secularism and our......

The Sea-mew.

SOFT as a summer clondlet, the sea-mew On foam-white wing sails thro' the noontide air ; No creature of ethereal mould more fair, While she her upward soaring doth pursue,......