The War Correspondent Of The Daily Chronicle Gives Some...
notes of a conversation between the Emir Mahmoud, captured at Atbara, and an English officer. Mahmoud, who is evidently an excellent " subject " for the interviewer, declared......
The Development Of Tourist Traffic In Ireland Is One Of
the happiest outcomes of the subsidence of political agitation. Within the last few years, as a correspondent in Tuesday's Times points out, the difficulties of the situation......
Dr. Schweninger's Reminiscences Of Prince Bismarck, Con-...
Tagliche .Rundschau and summarised in Thursday's Times, are chiefly valuable on their non-medical aide. It does not add much to our knowledge of the ex-Chancellor to learn that......
At Gibraltar On Wednesday Last Owen William Mac- Donne'...
charged with the attempted murder of Mr. Hubert Birkin at Tangier on May 19th, was found guilty and sentenced to ten years' penal servitude. Callan, the son of a well-known......
We Have Heard From What We Believe To Be A
well-informed source an account of the Continental attempts at interven- tion in the Spanish-American War, which makes the action undoubtedly taken by our Government assume a......
The Memorandum On Temperance And Morality In The Army Drawn
up by the Commander-in-Chief, and issued to the troops, is a sensible and straightforward document. Its isste in no sense means that soldiers are more drunken or vicious than......
Sir John Lubbock's Presidential Address At The...
Zoologists opened on Tuesday at Cambridge, though brief, was both illuminating and suggestive. The keynote of the address was struck in the remark that we were still only on the......
We Deal Elsewhere With The Latest Development Of The Irish
political movement based on the notion that Ireland is un- fairly treated by the United Kingdom in the matter of taxa- tion. This movement, which has produced a new National......
Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent.
New Consols (4) were on Friday, 11014.......