The Ottawa Balance-sheet Ottawa, Which Might Have Ended...
air, has in fact ended, as the agreements now published show, in hard business. More than once it was harder business than most of the British delegates had counted on. Imperial......
Unpublished Schedules As To Canada And Australia, All The...
is allowed to learn so far is that measures will be submitted to their Parliaments providing for preferences, of a degree un- disclosed, over a wide range of British imports......
News Of The Week
F' HE situation in Germany is more critical than ever as result of the death sentences passed at Beuthen on Monday on five Nazis who had broken into the house of a Communist......
Editorial And Publishing Offices : 99 Gower Street,...
Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs 'Thirty Shillings 'per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR i8 registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......
Gain And Loss The Most Serious Aspect Of Ottawa Is
the effect it may have on our relations with certain foreign countries with which our trade associations have been particularly close. The Argentine papers are in loud complaint......