Colour Bar
Colour Bar. By Learie Constantine. (Stanley Paul. 12s. 6d.) WHAT with the policy of Dr. Malan's government and Mr. Constan- tine's cricketing fame and popularity, most people......
Bold Bureaucrat
Betrayal of an Ideal. By G. A. Tokaev, with an introduction by Sir David Kelly. (Harvill. 21s.) COLONEL TOKAEV is a veteran Caucasian Communist in his mid- forties who fled to......
Mary Coleridge
The Collected Poems of Mary Coleridge. Edited by Theresa Whistler. (Hart-Davis. 15s.) Wrrx the work of Mary Coleridge we are back in the world of private poetry, a world where......
The Darkness Under the Earth. By Norbert Casteret. (Dent. 15s.) 4,000 Years Under the Sea. By Philippe Diole. (Sidgwick & Jackson. 18s.) Two countrymen of Jules Verne, leading......