The Bank Table Published Today, Shows That The Bullion In
the Bank of England is 17,413,564/., the largest sum ever accumulated in the vaults of that establishment.......
SATURDAY. The Queen held a Privy Council, at Windsor Castle, at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Council was attended by all the Ministers ex- cept Lord Palmerston, and......
A few days ago, after the departure of all the Ministers from London, and at the near approach of Christmas, a Cabinet Council was unexpect- edly summoned, although no......
The Retirement Of Lord Palmerston Has Become A Great...
topic. The Constitntionnd, leading organ of the Usurpation, says- " We will confine ourselves to saying, that this statesman, with a pene- tration which has never been......
By Accounts From New York To The 13th Instant, We
learn that the Se- nate had passed, by 33 votes to 6, Senator Seward's motion for giving a public reception to Kossuth. The " excitement" at New York was "still rising "—Kossuth......
Money Market.
STOCK EICHANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The present week has been again a quiet one as far as regards any import- ant fluctuations in the English Stock Market. The impression latterly......