HEYWOOD'S DRAMATIC WORKS.* THESE volumes belong to the same series of reprints as the edi- tion of Dekker which we lately noticed, and comprise in like- manner the dramatist and......
The Bishop Of Lincoln.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your issue of Saturday last there appear certain.stricturea on the Bishop of Lincoln's advice to the Vicar of Owston, with regard to......
THE PLAINT OF MOSCHUS. WOE! woe ! See yon the mallows a-dying around in the meadows :- See yon the fresh green parsley, and dill so curling and bosky :— Live will they all once......
Free Trade In Sugar.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The following concise problem in economic science and free- trade principles arises out of the state of facts disclosed by the......