Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, January 23. PARTNERSHIPS Dissozven.-Hanson and Sons, cabinet-makers-Cassini and Dou g hty, Hi g h Street, Camden Town, pianoforte-hammer-coverers-White and Morns;......
Military Gazette. War-office, Jan.23.
BREVET. Mejor-Gen. Sir C. Campbell. E.C.B. and Major-Gen. J. L. Pennefather, C.B. to i have the local rank of Lieut.-Gen. in Turkey. Col. H. H. Rose, C.B. holdin g the rank of......
Naval Gazette.
AM/MALTY,' Jan. 23.-The followin g promotions, dated the 22.1 instant, have this day taken place, conse q uent on the decease, on the 20th instant, of Rear-Admiral of the White......
On the 4th December, at the Mahableshur Hills. the Wife of the late Henry Ed- ward Goldsmid, Esq., Chief Secretary to the Government of Bombay, of a daughter. On the 6th......