Out Of Control
From Sir Peregrine Worsthome Sir: Fraser Nelson is quite right to question David Cameron about 'social responsibility' (Politics, 20 January), and I would appreciate a chance to......
A Class Act
From Sonya Gale Sir: As a Classics teacher in a state school, I read Andrew Nash's description of state education (Letters, 20 January) with some amusement. The 'reduced......
Ukip Tells The Truth
From Malcolm Pearson and David Willoughby de Broke Sir: Charles Moore (The Spectator's Notes, 20 January) can't understand how our conversion to the UK Independence Party 'helps......
Nil By Mouth
From Dr Richard Lamerton Sir: Dr Andrew Lawson's letter of 13 January misses the point. It is not people who are terminally ill and imminently dying who are causing increasing......
Standard Usage
From Professor Geoffrey Sampson Sir: 'Buying spectrum' does sound odd when first encountered, but the usage was standard before the Ofcom report which Dot Wordsworth complains......