26 JUNE 1947, page 16


sm,--It is recognised that in a democracy the majority shall decide, yet in the instance of the Bankside power station the Minister of Town and Country Planning is flouting the......

British Broadcasting Overseas

Sta,—I am sorry that I should have left your correspondent in Ceylon under the impression that B.B.C. programmes specially directed to his part of the world are so timed as to......

School Impositions

SIR, —The paper shortage has done and is doing untold harm to education and learning, • but it might also bring about a much-needed reform if it lead to the final abolition of "......

Faith And Music Sir,—i Am Greatly Obliged To Mr. Martin

Cooper for his courteous letter, and if, as a Civil Servant once wrote to me, "I have contrived to mis- understand him," I am sorry, though I do not think it is all my fault.......

Suicide And Insanity

Sra,—In your issue of June 13th Janus, in connection with the con- sidered and deliberate suicide of a member of Parliament, asks: "Who will take it on him to say she was......

Staggering Shopping

Sta,—In a broadcast discussion in the series Britain's Crisis, two housewives and two representatives of the retail trade voiced their difficul- ties, under the guidance of Sir......

The 1928 Prayer Book Sir,—while Thanking The Dean Of Wells

for his comments, I would point out that there is no official record of any consecration of Matthew Parker as Archbishop. All the recognised books of reference state categori-......